Wednesday 7 November 2018

Do Psychics Know Everything?

If psychics knew everything then there would be no need for police detectives,or anything like this because the psychic would just say who the culprit was and that would be that!

I do find it a bit amazing that some people expect psychics to just tell them everything - like the psychic should just know all about their life for the next trillion years and ought to be completely one million percent right.

Some people are lovely to read for - really nice, appreciative and pleasant, but occasionally a humdinger appears with a real sense of entitlement who thinks the psychic is a kind of Victorian forelock tugging servant who should have a complete psychic map of everything that goes on and should bow and scrape and probably walk backwards out of their presence saying things like 'Yes, Milady' Oh Divine One!!!

See my earlier related post here:

Saturday 23 June 2018

Saudi Arabian World Cup Bear From 2002 Plus Tughra Ring And Arabian Necklace Spirit Vessels

I have been putting spirits in 'spirit houses' since the 1980's but never put this service on the internet until a few years ago. I used to advertise in the psychic magazines of the 80's and conduct business by post, including doing psychic readings by post! I think there is a great deal of enjoyment in hand writing a reply to a psychic query. It is a pity it is not seen as the norm any more!

Saturday 16 June 2018

Ivy Growing Up A Tree - Photo Taken In The Middle Of The Night

This variegated Ivy was growing profusely in the area, even up a tree.

If you have problems, write them on a piece of paper then wrap an ivy leaf around the paper and bury on the stoke of midnight. You will need a large Ivy leaf to go right round the paper or use several small pieces of paper with smaller ivy leaves, but all must be buried on the first stroke of midnight.
The poison ivy will take away your problems - or so this is believed.

Herb Trophy spell - Protective Basil

This is a herb trophy spell with protective Basil. Basil is a very good universal herb for very many kinds of spell work in general. The gold stars bring success to the spell and for the person the spell is being done for as it engages with the unseen spiritual forces that are all around in the air.

Fake Spirit Image

This is an image created by a phone app. I have to say it is a good one but strictly  for spooky parties only!

Blossom For Petal Divination

This May Blossom is perfect for doing divination with. The ring looks like a portal of possibilities. it could be an entrance to an altered state too.

Saturday 12 May 2018

Huge Beltane Spell

This is a huge Beltane/May Day spell with lots of offerings, a couple of whicker men, some herbs, cake tarts and of course the magick of this amazing occasion. A lot of power and energy came from these workings and it has a very ambient and pleasant feel to it. This was good for the essence of the spell.

Simple May Spell Of Dandelions And Herbs with A Daisy

This is a simple May spell featuring herbs, dandelions and a very special daisy. The whole point of the spell is for it to be interacting with the Universe as a whole, whilst connecting to the elements of nature.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Origami Spell Plus Sacred Offerings For The Spirits

This origami spell and offerings was completed by our coven yesterday. We like to use all kinds of objects for out spells as we feel it brings out all kinds of different energies. We always put out offerings for every ritual we do.

Happy Easter Chick

This little Easter chick was cracked as an egg in this picture. he does look a bit amazed to finally emerge at last from his shell.

Monday 19 February 2018

Chinese Year Of The Dog Celebrations And Rituals

We did lots  and lots of rituals last week for the Chinese New Year Of The Earth Dog. There seemed ot be so much power and energy around that it was far too good to waste!

Saturday 27 January 2018

Beautiful Flower Offerings And Getting Something For Nothing

The pictures shows some beautiful flower offerings we made this week after doing spell work. The flowers were totally gorgeous blooms and we were very happy with them as an offering. It is essential to always give something back to the universe when requests are made, in order to balance the books or even the score.

Many years ago I once visited the abode of an internationally famous, high profile witch, whose coven gave private consultations.for a very high price to members of the public. I saw a youngish American lady who was pleasant enough, but when I queried the price ( half my week's wage at the time), she said 'You don't get owt for owt'.  I think she meant ' You don't get owt for nowt' (anything for nothing) which is an old Yorkshire saying!

Her reading was interesting though and did prove to have truth in it. I don't think there is such a thing as a 'free lunch' really - there is always a catch somewhere!

Friday 12 January 2018

Cookie Offerings For Rituals

These chocolate chip cookies were put out as a ritual offering for some spell work we were doing as a coven. we always put some kind of offering out for the work that is done as we think that it is respectful. We care about the spirits that we work with and have great respect for them.

See also:
Postulating Pippin
Brother Darklight & Rebecca