Monday 13 November 2017

Dryecraft - A Light In The Darkness

Mystical Candle
The name Dryecraft comes from  Old English which was very much like Danish, a totally different language from the one known today.

As a psychic reader and occultist it is absolutely impossible to please everyone. The main problem is respect. Most people who come to psychic do have respect which is an instant two way thing, but there are others who think the psychic is a kind of servant that knows everything about the future and must tell them everything, or else!

The fact is that no psychic knows everything about the future however 'tuned in' they may be. They will be shown glimpses, a bit like looking through a lacy curtain - but not everything.
The problems with working on commercial sites is their feedback system which automatically enslaves the psychic as if a whip was being held over them. It is true - it does put undue pressure on a psychic which is what it is meant to do. Many psychics used to read face to face. It is a totally different kettle of fish reading by phone or from a piece of paper.

Star systems are indeed very popular in today's culture and whereas most people are fair, some people give bad ratings due to the fact they are miserable and have a bad life themselves and just want to lash out and hurt somebody - anybody will do - and a stranger - the psychic- is often seen as a good whipping boy so the unhappy client can harm someone and relieve some of their own pain temporarily.

It is sad but very true. There are a lot of very miserable people out there who have not got what they want from life and who life has not apparently been very kind to. They may be in cruel relationships, or not have had a relationship for a long time, they may have financial problems, baby problems, be victims of bullying at work - the list goes on.

Most people have experienced something from this list at least one or twice in their lives and they cope with the setbacks and move on and eventually life goes bright again, but - the occasional client wants someone to kick back at to help ease the hurt or injustice of what they have suffered.

The psychic, entrusted with making everything better, quite miraculously, is the first person in line for a good negative star pasting. Why? Because they have not told the very unhappy person that all will go exactly as they want - they have not been able to offer up what this person wants or needs to hear in order to make everything right because the psychic is just a human being with feelings and not a miracle worker.

The fact that a psychic is a human being with feelings and deserving of respect is also forgotten in this.

A physical shop does not allow customers to be rude to staff  or abuse them- the customer is asked to leave and escorted out by security.  But working from online stores  on a big name website is very different - a psychic has little redress, support or assistance if they are abused or wrongly treated by a former client. The humbled psychic is forced to smile and carry on working whilst they also may be feeling very hurt and unfairly abused inside by what has occurred.