Friday 19 April 2019

Creepy, Sinister And Weird Psychic Forums Breaking Data Protection

I have noticed that there appear to be several sinister psychic forums on the internet that discuss psychics by name and in some cases even give out personal details. In the United Kingdom under the Data Protection Act it is illegal for a web host to allow a service to give out such details.

For example, if a person uses what in some circles is called a 'line name' on a site for their personal protection then that is what they choose to do. It is well known that there are a lot of internet safety issues and some people do not like those who work in the psychic industry at all.

Though there are a good number of male psychics, by and large there are a far greater number of women in this field and many could be left vulnerable by thoughtless disclosure of their personal names or details by customers on forums.

So if  psychic uses a different name for protection then that is solely their own personal business and not anyone else's.

It is so horrible to see psychics chin wagged over as if they were cattle - it dehumanises them - a bit of a 'me too as well' in the psychic readings world.

Also if a psychic has more than one shop why is it someone else's affair to call them out on it? I noticed that some people on forums seem to think they have a right to tell a psychic what to do and what name they are allowed to use and whether they are allowed to have more than one shop! That is really preposterous - think about it!

Being a psychic is a very hard job. A lot harder than many think as it requires heavy concentration and being almost permanently linked to the beyond. It also requires a high standard of customer service and politeness even when customers are rude, unkind or ungrateful. There are, as well, many debunker types around who want to say being psychic is garbage.

Let us be honest, there is no actual physical proof that God exists and no one bullies the priest/vicar reverend/pastor and attempts to force them to prove it, so why so with psychics? Why are priests and other 'holy' men or women considered good and psychics considered bad or amateur? The church is one of the richest organisations in the world, yet people are always going on about psychic scammers.

For all we know the church could be a scam or any other religious place of worship. I mean absolutely no disrespect here - I was brought up as a church going Christian in fact, but it is true, why should psychics be put down and ridiculed all the time - it is akin to abuse.

Yes I am a reader but I have also in my time, long before now, been an avid readings purchaser, which I bet not many people realise, so I can sit on either side of the fence. In fact in 1999 when I split with a partner I rang so many Psychic lines up that my phone had to be temporarily disconnected.

In February 2000 I rang a psychic line up and the woman said there was no boyfriend for me that year, but the next year I would meet someone through a friend. I did do that and it was about the only thing I was told that ever came true.

One male psychic I spoke to told me I would live in a lovely house by water, with a partner and a nice dog.
Well I am still waiting and its been 20 years so can it hurry up please?!!!!