Tuesday 31 October 2017

Halloween Rabbit - Happy Halloween

A Happy Halloween to all :)
This is our gorgeous rabbit Lolita Salome who loved her Halloween costume. The picture was taken in 2009 at Halloween. Lolita passed in to Spirit in May 2013 and she is still loved. She is buried in our animal graveyard which is in our garden. This is presided over by Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte. We give regular gifts to them as it is part of our belief system and a respectful thing to do.

Friday 20 October 2017

The Hazy Moon And The Deep Dark Canal

I noticed a really unusual moon out of the window the other night. It was really clear and actually had a yellowish look from a distance. This was caused by the haze around the moon which glittered and shimmered. it was quite a wondrous  experience all in all. The moon really is magical, of that there is no doubt!

The lower picture follows the path of a nearby canal which was built in the 18th century. The canal is now used very frequently by well decorated barges. The photo was only taken on the 19th October 2017, late at night.

Monday 16 October 2017

Ritual To connect To Outer Forces

This is part of a ritual to connect to outer forces on inner planes. We use everyday objects in our rituals as every object has a manitou or spirit.

Saturday 14 October 2017

Pears And Other Offerings

It is always good to leave offerings after doing any kind of magickal work. When doing magickal workings we always like to give out lots of offerings. Even if we are not doing workings we still give offerings regularly as we feel it is the right thing to do.

Thursday 5 October 2017

I Love Doing Magick!

Essentially I love doing magick and stuff connected to the occult. I would call myself an occultist/magician first and a reader second. My biggest love of all is doing rituals and magick. I do them sometimes for the shear enjoyment of it. I am not looking to be the greatest medium on earth or anything like that. I don't think mediumship is a gift to be honest - I think most people could do psychic stuff if they practiced. It is a sixth sense open to everyone who cares to explore it.Most people could be intuitives or claircognizant if they really put their mind to it. It is all very normal really. - no weirdness attached!

See also:

Sunday 1 October 2017

Triangle Of Art Spell With Herb And Fruit Offerings

The top picture shows a simplified version of the Triangle Of Conjuration, known too as the Triangle Of Art. Also included in this ritual is black dog hair and snake pellets. Coloured lights are used instead of candles as they still represent fire and are more convenient than naked flames. The pictures below show offerings of fruit and herbs. Offerings are an essential part of all magickal workings. Even if it does not appear strictly necessary, it is polite to offer the Gods, Angels, Spirits and Other Entities a gift for their help. When doing spells as a coven/lodge we always have plenty of sweets on hand to make offerings with too.